Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wildcat Math

Okay students here is your chance to show your teachers and me that you can do some Wildcat Math!
I am going to start posting some questions that deal with my favorite college basketball team the Kentucky Wildcats. The first set of questions deal with a trip I took recently to Lexington for a conference. While at the conference I was lucky enough to visit Rupp Arena and meet Julius Randle.
 Question 1. Mr. Williams and the Estes Bulldog went to Rupp Arena. To get there Mr. Williams drove 177 miles. It took him the same amount of miles to get back home. What was the total amount of miles he traveled.
Question 2. I took Mr. Williams 2 hours and 44 minutes to get to Rupp Arena. If it took the same amount of time for Mr. Williams to get home, how many hours was he in the car?
Question 3. Before you answer this questions don't freak out because you don't need to know how to divide. Mr. Williams stopped halfway through the 177 mile trip to go to the restroom. What is half of 177? Tip:What number when it is doubled gives you 177? Ex. If I double 44 I get 88. 44+44=88. So now you know your number has to be bigger than 44.

 Julius Randle is 18 years old. He is 6'9" and 240 lbs. Mr. Williams is 38 years old. He is 5'9" and 195 lbs.
1. How many inches will Mr. Williams have to grow to be the same size as Julius?
2. How many pounds would Mr. Williams need to gain to equal the weight of Julius?
3.If Mr. Williams gains 2 pounds a week, how many weeks would it take to equal the weight of Julius?
4. If Mr. Williams gains 5 pounds a week, how many weeks would it take to equal the weight of Julius?
5. How much older is Mr. Williams than Julius?

Mrs. Alley's Class Designs and Creates Monsters!

Several weeks ago my students turned the book 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the bed into their own class book version 5 Little Monsters Jumping on the bed. Then we thought we would create our own monsters. Before we started  we spent time brainstorming ways to create a monster and made list. After a lot creative work, our monsters are finished. After creating our monsters we read the book Go Away Big Green Monsters and the students dictated what they might say to their monster. 
In the pictures, Hunter and Alexandria work on creating their  monster using a variety of materials and when it was finished we displayed them on the bulletin board in the hallway.  
 Our monsters inspired Tommy Craig to make his very own Green Monster.

Fire Safety Expert Visits Kindergarten Students

Mrs. Alley invited a member of the Owensboro Fire Department to come and speak to her Kindergarten students. Thank you to the Owensboro Fire Department for keeping us safe and sound in both our homes and our school!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Homework Through Play

Are you looking for fun ways to get your students to learn at home? I know homework can be a struggle and a very tiring strain on both you and your child. If you can do one thing at home that goes above and beyond the normal homework your child brings home, I would suggest family reading time. Set aside just 10 minutes a night of reading and then another 5 minutes to talk about what you read.
Do have children at home that don't want to practice their sight words? I tried a home made memory match game with my children. I cut out 20 squares from notebook paper and wrote 10 matching words on the 20 squares. My child and I then played the game. One important rule is that you and your child have to say the words you turn over even if you don't get a match. I hope this tip helps your child out with learning his or her sight words.

Halloween Costumes

Here is a link to a blog entry on why to let your child help choose their own Halloween costume.

Monday, October 7, 2013

What to do on Fall Break?

I'm bored! Is this a common saying heard around your house. Well, I am here to give you a few suggestions so that you and your family can fight the boredom.
It looks like the weather is going to be nice for the rest of the week, so why not hit a few parks. I always liked heading out to Ben Hawes and taking some nature walks. You can have your kids bring a notebook and they can draw some of the things they see on their walk. While you on your walk why don't you collect a few leaves to take back home and do research on. Creating leaf art is always a fun thing you can do with your kids. Break out the glue sticks and paper and see what they can create with some leaves-I bet you will be surprised with what your kids can come up with.
Not into nature-how about a trip to the museum. You can knock out two things in one day. A trip to Smoothers Park and the museum will keep the boredom away. Explore some of the exhibits and then have some fun at the playground at Smoothers Park.
A trip to library can open up your child's imagination. Grab a few books for yourself and your children. Nighttime reading is just what the doctor ordered for a good nights sleep!
At night, turn off the electronics and get back to old some school gaming with board games. Candy Land for the younger kids and Monopoly for your older children. Two of my favorites are Stratego and Life. I plan on playing those with my own children this week.
No money to go anywhere? Take a walk around the block and just enjoy the conversation with your children. You will be amazed at what your children would like to tell you.
Enjoy your break and we can't wait to see your children next week!

Fan Engineers

Take a look at what two students from Mrs. Jewell's class made with some parts from their classroom and home. That is right-they created their very own fan! Keep up the amazing work Zacharia and Matthew.