Sunday, April 9, 2017

Heart of a Champion

Ladies and gentlemen we have six weeks of school left in this school year. The last six weeks of the year are where champions are made. Why? It is because champions don't let distractions stop them from achieving their goals.
What goals are you talking about Mr. Williams? The one and only goal I would like to address is being the best version of yourself that you can be. I would like to describe what I believe this looks like for our students. This is based on 18 years of being an educator and what I have seen during my 18 year career.
Students you need to remember why you are at school. The main reason you are at school and why your parents want you in school is to be successful in life. The world is a hard place that will chew you up and spit you out if you aren't prepared for what life throws at you. In the final six weeks you are going to have distractions that will test your heart and if you are a champion. You are going to have ball games and practices to go to. Here is what I have seen in champion students: THEY GET THEIR WORK DONE either before practice or after practice. These students understand that less than 1% of all students that have attended schools in Owensboro and Daviess County have played professional sports. They also understand that if you don't do your work in middle school and high school you will not participate in any sporting events. I have one son that plays high school baseball and one son that plays little league and they know that if their work isn't completed they aren't playing that night.
What other distractions are going to be thrown at you? Daylight lasts longer and you will want to stay outside and play longer. Trust me I get it and I am right there with you wanting to stay outside, but you still have to do your work. I suggest getting everything completed right when you get home. Once your work is done you will have all night to play.
What else? Bedtime! You still need to get to bed on time. Champions know that their body needs ample amounts of rest to perform at high levels. If you stay up late and get up early, you are setting yourself up for failure.
Still more? Getting to school on time and coming to school every day is very important if you want to be a champion. Champions know about preparation and know how important it is to show up on time and be ready to put in work. Champions don't call in and say they are too tired to come in. Quite frankly and this is going to sound harsh but it needs to be said- Losers do this. Don't fall in the there is only six weeks of school left and I am going to slack off! Champions don't think that way and neither should you.
Like I said earlier I have been doing this for 18 years and I have seen champions that were made in the last six weeks of a school year. There are students of mine that our in college, playing college sports, in the Armed Forces, working skilled jobs and supporting not only themselves but also their families. I have also seen students that didn't take school seriously and lets just say the best version of them didn't happen and they are still having a hard time figuring things out.
I can't wait to see all the champions that are made in the final six weeks of this school year.

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