Sunday, November 27, 2016

A Time for Giving Thanks

As I sit here and write this blog post about Thanksgiving I am flooded with great memories of past Thanksgivings. I grew up in a small farming town in Henderson, KY. Most of my Thanksgivings took place at my house with my immediate family. I would wake up with the smell of a Turkey in the oven and my mom cooking all the fixings. My mom's family lived in the same town and we would often visit with them on Thanksgiving. Occasionally my dad's family who lived in the Cincinnati area would come down and have Thanksgiving. At the time I didn't realize how blessed I was to be surrounded by my immediate family but also my extended family.
Back then there was no Black Friday shopping instead we gathered around and listened to stories that were told by our parents and their parents. We played board games, watched football and when the weather permitted we would go outside and play various games. I wish I would have recorded all of these memories with pen and paper. I do have photos from those past Thanksgivings but my memory isn't as good as it once was.
Here is something that I suggest that your children might want do: record a sentence or to to go along with the picture that was taken on your smartphone or digital camera. Have them record what was going on in the pic. What were people doing and talking about in the pic. What happened prior to the pic being taken and what followed after the pic was taken. I am going to try to do this with my family. They might not like doing it right now, but I bet in 30 or 40 years they will treasure having this written history of their family.

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