Monday, September 11, 2017

Sweet Dreams

I saw this infographic on the news and I thought I would share this with all of you. I have 3 boys and I know the struggle of getting children to bed. It is so important to get your children in a bedtime routine because lack of sleep is dangerous to a child's body, mind and spirit.
I know when our boys were little we would turn off the television an hour or so before bed to allow their eyes and mind to rest. We then would move to giving them a bath and finally read them a bedtime story. This helped them wind down and get a full night's sleep.
Now we parents have to deal with all the technology that our children are on at night. I am speaking from experience and I will tell you that they need to get off all devices at least an hour before bed. My youngest was having trouble falling asleep and it was because he was on his iPad right before bed. I am not going to bore you with all the research, but if you google screen time before bed you can see what I mean.
Good luck and good night!

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