Monday, May 11, 2015


We finished KPREP testing today and I would like to take the time to thank you parents for your help. Parents we could not do the things we do without your help. We had our best attendance days last week in both third and fourth grade! Thank you for getting your children to school and on time. Thank you for helping your child see the importance of a great education! Thank you for taking the time and looking over your child's homework. As I have stated on numerous time, it takes parents, students and teachers to make your child successful.
As a community we need to make sure we are growing students who can contribute and give back to our city, state, and world. If you have walked the halls of Estes and spent any time in our classrooms, you understand that we are not a last place school. We have some of the brightest, caring and loving staff in the world that work at Estes. As a community we need to take pride in our school and continue to push ourselves to be better- better teachers, better students, better parents, better fathers, better mothers, better brothers, better sisters, better sons, better daughters. We need to continue to better ourselves so that our future is better. Will it be easy? No, nothing in life is easy. If you send your children to Estes just know that we are going to love them and push them harder than they have ever been pushed. Also, know we are going to be pushed to give our very best. I will leave you with my famous three words- I LOVE YOU!

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