Monday, December 28, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

It has been a rainy break, but I hope you all have enjoyed some much needed family time. This is a great time to reconnect with loved ones, friends and to make memories. Personally, I am trying to soak it all in and enjoy every minute I can with my family. My oldest son is now 15 years old and it seems like just yesterday I was bringing him home in his car seat from the hospital.
Life seems to move at warp speed nowadays and that really bothers me. I want time to stand still and allow me to enjoy my kids more, but I know that is impossible to do. Technology is a great way to capture these memories, but technology can also stop us from making memories. What? Yes, it does stop us from making memories. How? For starters go out in public and see how many people have their phone either stuck to their ear or stuck right in front of their face. Do we really need to be checking Facebook every 5 minutes to see what are so called friends are doing. Come on people there is no possible way to have hundreds and thousands of friends on Facebook. Do we really care about getting updates from celebrities that would probably not give us the time of day if we were to meet them? I know that I have found myself looking at my phone way too much and looking at people and things that have no impact on my life.
Here is what I propose for all of us to do with the time we have remaining with this break. First, how about we get some cards or board games out and play with the family. Second, let's get some books out and read to our children. Third, why don't we just have conversations with our kids and see what is going on in their lives. Fourth, are we too old to get on the floor and play with our kids? I don't think so. Grab some dolls and action figures and create some conversations with them. Fifth, the power of cardboard can do wonders. Yes, I did say cardboard. If your child didn't get that one gift that they really wanted, how about you all try to create it with cardboard. I helped my youngest son make a Hex-bug set using only cardboard, tape and scissors. We had just as much fun making it as we did when we played with it.
What do all of these things have in common? The answer is that these things allow you to have meaningful conversations with your kids.
Enjoy the rest of your break and make some memories.

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